Posts: Coin Marker

Coin Marking

Numberall manufacturers identification equipment for all industries. Here’s a custom setup for marking coins. Using the Model 301 hand operated cylindrical marking press to mark around the edge of the coin. We used our standard adjustable holding fixture and added adjustable stops and non-marring clamp faces.  Designed for a range of coins from 3/4″ to 2-1/4″ diameter, with a thickness of 3/32″ to 1/4″. 

This customer uses our Model 23P Type Holder and standard steel type  to put a special message around the coin. 

This setup has oversize endplates for additional clearance.  We also, made a series of riser blocks, to fit under the fixture to raise the coins within the adjustment of the sliding head.  This is needed when going from small diameters to large diameters.  Our Model 301-A can be used for this application.

If a serial number is needed, we recommend our Model 50P.    An option would be to extend a frame leg and make a slot to hold type or a special logo. Various other styles of marking devices are available and can be customized to suit the application.

We can also supply other fixtures for products that require information to be stamped around the part.  Made in the USA!




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